Working out can feel like a chore and we are always on the hunt for a new fitness trend to keep things fun whilst getting our summer bods ready!

I’ve always wanted to be a ballerina but never liked the idea of the feet-destroying slippers! Well, now we can have the best of both worlds where we can get fit, have fun and still be a wanna-be ballerina (without the tutu!).

We’ve recently discovered a group fitness class called “Barre Fitness” or “Dance Barre”, which is fast coming a fitness craze.

Barre is ballet-inspired workouts that use the ‘ballet barre’ (hence where the name is from), and is a dynamic mix of dance, Pilates and fitness. It will almost feel like you’re not even working out at all! Don't be worried if you've never done anything ballet, because the best thing about these classes is they are for all fitness levels!

Barre Dance with Katie Dickens (Albion)

Barre Dance with Katie Dickens (Albion)

If you’re looking to get lean, build your core, flexibility and tone your legs and bum, then this may tickle your fancy!

With this class now becoming higher in demand, we’ve found a few spots around Brisbane near you:







Ivy Park is here....

Ivy Park is here.. The activewear line we never knew we needed is finally here and its brought to us by the ever flawless Beyonce. Check out the first drop and get excited to be-yonce. 

The release dates says 14th April ( we assume this means in the US) but still a good day to mark in your calendar, and prepare for the onslaught of ‘single ladies’ vibes and ‘ who run the world - girls’ type feels. 

Healthy Winter Eating

Winter is fast approaching and with it comes the dread of putting on the winter weight with comfort eating and little exercise. Although the range of seasonal food is fewer in the winter months here are five tips to kicking those winter cravings and enjoy the food you love

1.     Make the switch from white carbohydrates to wholemeal and wholegrain alternatives

2.     Drink plenty of water during the winter months as air-conditioning and heating can be dehydrating!

3.     One of the best ways to keep healthy this winter is to pack your meals full of protein

4.     Eat your 2 & 5. Most of your diet should consist of fruit and vegetables as they are a good source of important minerals and vitamins

5.     Start your dinner with a bowl of low-calorie soup to help manage your weight and keep warm this winter

Setting Fitness Goals

We all want that perfect body but can’t decide weather to watch the next episode of our favourite TV series or hit the gym. Hitting the gym and getting fit doesn’t need to be a daunting task that requires Arnold Schwarzenegger motivation speeches to get into gear. Here are a few helpful tips to help burn those calories and work towards a healthier you!


Tip 1: Find a gym buddy

There is nothing more helpful than having a friend beside you trying to achieve the same goals. So next time you’re heading to the gym grab a friend 

Tip 2: Mix it up with cardio

People believe the only way to shed the kilos is running for miles until you pass out; next time you’re wanting to engage in cardio, mix it up with mountain climbs, runs along the beach or dancing. 

Tip 3: Everything’s good in moderation

Just because you want to get fit, doesn’t mean you have to cut out all the good things in life. Anything in moderation is good for you so don’t put away the chocolate bars and sweet just yet