The Intern Diaries Part 2

From all the movies I had ever watched, my perception of an internship wasn't glamourous. I expected to be making regular coffee trips, stressed and doing all the little jobs that the employees didn't want to do.

However, an internship at Studio Agency was far from this. It was an internship of a lifetime and the best experience that far exceeded my expectations.

I came into this as a way to hopefully cure my confusion about what I want to do with my life. Throughout this experience I never did any coffee runs, nor was I stressed and I was actually doing things that would help me in the future. The girls here are so supportive and regularly check in with you to see how you are going and ask you what you would like to learn. You do real tasks that help the business and learn from people who are so passionate about what they do.

This experience could not have been more inspiring and I could not recommend and internship at Studio enough! 

A Busy Gal's Guide To Indoor Plants

We have all seen those envious photos online of gorgeous bedrooms filled with lush potted plants. However, plants are not always as easy to look after as you'd think - especially if you're super busy!

Here at THG we love indoor plants. They can completely change the look and feel of a space, making you feel more at ease and added bonus - they help you breathe better too.

Therefore, we have put together a list of the perfect indoor plants for you busy gals out there who may not have time to give it all the TLC it needs but still want the vibe in your favourite space. 

String of Pearls 

String of pearls are also known as rosary string of beads and are actually considered a succulent. That means that they are ideal for busy gal's as succulents require such little care. We recommend hanging them to showcase the draping beads. 

String of pearls are also known as rosary string of beads and are actually considered a succulent. That means that they are ideal for busy gal's as succulents require such little care. We recommend hanging them to showcase the draping beads. 

Peace Lily 

As indoor plants go, peace lilies are some of the easiest to care for. They will immediately brighten any space and are well known for their ability to clean the air of the room they are in. 

As indoor plants go, peace lilies are some of the easiest to care for. They will immediately brighten any space and are well known for their ability to clean the air of the room they are in. 

Maidenhair Fern

Maidenhair ferns come in so many varieties and sizes that there is sure to be one to suit your space. They look beautiful in a range of pots or can be hung to let the foliage drape and add a bit of extra dimension. 

Maidenhair ferns come in so many varieties and sizes that there is sure to be one to suit your space. They look beautiful in a range of pots or can be hung to let the foliage drape and add a bit of extra dimension. 

Snake Plant

Snake plants are super resilient as it can go weeks with neglect. Like the peace lily they are excellent at removing toxins from the air. Additionally, there are so many varieties and sizes so picking one to suit your space shouldn't be a problem.

Snake plants are super resilient as it can go weeks with neglect. Like the peace lily they are excellent at removing toxins from the air. Additionally, there are so many varieties and sizes so picking one to suit your space shouldn't be a problem.


The Intern Diaries

Why you should Intern at Studio Agency, written by an Intern.

Stare at me straight, and give it to me true. Internships, the all essential stepping-stone to any career in the industry. Our childhood dreams are all grown up - interning at one of the leading fashion agencies in Brisbane.

After twelve magical weeks, my final day has descended, bringing with it tears of sorrow and heartbreak. Raw and real, young and modern, Studio is the place you just want to keep coming back to. They’ll nurture your creative impulses, fulfil your fashion visions, and teach you invaluable lessons, to take with you now and forever. The rest … is up to you.

Let your inner fashion desires take hold, and step into their world, an invitation to learn from their direction and endless opportunities. You can count on having exposure to photo-shoots, styling, design, production, and the online realm – coffee runs not included.

A veteran of the internship world, Studio Agency will forever be my number one. 

I leave fresh and fearless, ready for it all.